Death Brings No Peace

Saddam Hussein
April 28, 1937 - December 30, 2006
When I was younger, and the Gulf War dominated the news, it seemed to me that all the world was against Saddam. Of course, this wasn't the case, but it sure was propagandized as such to me - in Elementary school.
I used to wonder why my government never did anything to Saddam, and why he was still in power. Why don't we, I thought, send someone to kill Saddam? I was raised, actually, to grow into hating that dictator. I've since learned to deal with these childhood impressions, and my feelings on this situation have greatly been effected.
Now that he's been executed, my heart weeps. Not because he was a good person, or a good leader. He was clearly neither of these. But because this was yet another lost soul, fueled by hate - so far from the Divine.
If only I could help. I mourn for his spirit. I can only hope his spirit finds peace.
Welcome back to the world of blogging! Your absence has been felt. And thank you for your comments on my last post, it helped me gain some perspective. Especially about the "weight of the gold you place at a man's feet".
As to my comments on this post, I too feel that this was an important turning point in our history as a human race, in which we failed. An eye for an eye is not the answer, and I can only take solace in that it was his own people that took his life, and I pray it brings them peace, though I am sure it won't.
I think too that the absence of mercy or any outcry against this barbaric form of punishment (not the hanging, but capital punishment in all its forms) from the world at large was another indication of our shortcomings as a race at this point of our history.
May God have mercy on him. My he find more success in his next turn at the wheel.
And may we has a race finally learn from this mistake, and see that more death and more killing is not the answer, no matter how much it looks like justice.
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