Allah and Yahweh as the Demiurge...
Ah, the formidible opponent we Gnostics fight against daily.
This "Demiurge" is the sole responsible agent for the current Islamic Jihad, the Christian crusades of the middle ages, and the Jewish slaughtering of their neighboring tribes/countries in the Old Testemant. He is what most of the known world relies upon for appeasement, prays to for guidance, and hides from with fear.
The Demiurge is a horrible creator, with a jealous attitude toward any who dare question his authority. He is quick to smite even the smallest creature if the slightest desire of disobedience is felt. However, those who kill for, fight for, and represent him and his agents - called Archons, or rulers - will receive everything they've ever wanted.
He is not evil, however, nor are his agents. He is nothing like Satan, for the Demiurge actually loves those who follow faithfully. No, his crimes are not evil. His crimes are born out of ignorance. Ignorance of what? Ignorance of the fact that he is not the TRUE Divine.
And you know what's crazy?
That's right. It's myth. Metaphor. Not even the slightest iota of fact. The Demiurge is merely a representation of the real story. He is man's PERCEPTION of God. It's is for this PERCEPTION that people die daily in religious battles. It is for this PERCEPTION that people succumb to hatred for others. It is for this PERCEPTION that people are hated, bigoted against, and looked down on as "sinners."
This perception must be fought. His archons? Lust, Greed, Spite, Rage...the rulers of the world. The worst ruler of all though...Ignorance.
We must free our minds of any "perception" of the Divine, and release all the falacies of thought that "God is" or "God wants." We must realize that the Divine is without human concept. There is no characterization. There are no limits, no boundaries. Merely Divinity.
The only way to know the Divine is to "know" the Divine. This is gnosis. For this, we must look inside ourselves. We must meditate, practice, study, and live. The path to gnosis is sometimes lonely, but never unfulfilling. This is the key to life.
And you know what's crazy? HE'S NOT EVEN REAL...
Now, I wouldn't go that far. Or rather, I'd question your definition of 'real'.
Is Liberty real? How about love? Honor?
Now, if we say the demi-urge has no INDEPENDENT EXISTANCE, then perhaps we're getting closer to the truth. But it is (or can be) very real, even if only in the minds of people.
God created man, and Man created god, after all. Consider the Demi-urge as reflection of Adam Kadmon.
Besides, would someone who's not real REALLY be speaking to the president? Or the prophets of old? There's definitely a presence, an egregore, if you will. It's a very consistent force in human history, and much older than the things we in America supposedly hold dear (Liberty, equality, fraternity, etc.)
One other point: You don't 'fight' a perception, any more than you fight drugs or terrorism or any other non-specific nouns. You can change a perception (usually just your own, but certain people can be made to change theirs by observing changes in a third party's perceptions). You can ignore a perception. But you can't fight it, because to fight something, you need to be aware of it, and to be aware is to feed it's existence.
When you try to fight a perception, you end up fighting the people who hold that perception. And that just buys into the demiurgic paradigm that he's important, divine, and powerful. It's far more infuriating to him if you just nod your head, say "there there", and keep doing what you're doing anyway.
A well spent life is the best revenge.
The Demiurge is not "REAL" in the sense that he is not an actual being any more than the tooth fairy.
Because we might believe in Santa, doesn't make him concrete.
The Demiurge is abstract. You give the Demiurge substance when you create the image of God in your head. By that time, he's as real for the one perceiving as you or me.
What makes him real is the person's or people's perception.
To "fight" don't need to give him any more substance...rid your perceptions.
This is what is meant.
I really love your analysis of the Demiurge. Very insightful.
I am the father of a beautiful son and daughter as well had have a beautiful wife too. She gets concerned when she sees me reading up on neo-luciferian/gnostic truths, and (in a very polite, professional, and caring way) reacts by mentioning christianity and church. I don't think she would understand (most people I know don't) that this is not satan worship, and I am in a sense reactionary to the demiurge be it, Allah, the jealous god, or Yahweh.
I find your analysis fascinating in the sense that you have come up the core meaning of the demiurge cosmogony.
Opposing an abstract reality is like beating around the bush. I guess the only way to face this abstract reality is to prune out or the things that might lead out of the context of The ineffable One.
Or perhaps "turn the other cheek." :D
I used to read Gospel of Judas and read that Lord of the Universe "the True Divine" as quoted by Jesus Christ did communicate with Arc Angel Michael or Mikael (in Islam) about loan the spirit...In Quran God (Allah)did swear by His own Name, Gabriel and Michael, again in Islam stress the point that the True God is Nothing is comparable unto Him...For True God is unique and beyond
If you are saying that Saklas are the Nebro..the perception...subjected to decease and also will be diminished
I wouldnt call Allah a demiurge, as the OT god. Allah according to the Quran, Allah is more the True One, the clue is in His Rahma. Bismillah R-Rahman R-Rahim, "In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful". Wouldnt call that a demiurge, now would we ;)
Regards anonymous and arabic named responses - If (your) Allah is rahman-rahem, then also two faced like JANUS (read contrarian, double speak/talk, hypocrite= two faced). Read the rest of the text after those words of introduction, the rest of the story, in total, which would include all the "normative" accepted barbarous islam practices per "authentic" sunnah and hadiths. Learned straight from Nizam Mohamed, the Lesbanese Tri-poli ed be- vvitch. "O mankind Nizam Mohamed is a (zina) qhadar."
Part 1
I feel the need to respond to this statement as it appears far too lazy and simplistic and worst of all leads to an absurd conclusion.
My response is in all propability not devoid of error,but my point is not to bring the truth (which i cant claim to have )but to highlight that their is far more to this than your simple statement by which you seem to think you have defeated the faith of billions of people and their 1400 yr old civilization.
Enemy Gnostics must fight daily:
The gnostics most
formidable opponent is himself,the demiurge is the archtypcal human being,(in all his possibilities,good and bad) and to know the demiurge is to know onself, and he who knows himself knows his lord.To reject the reality of a demiurge is to reject your own essentailly reality as a human being and thus kiss goodbye to any knowledge of the absoulte.(gnosis)
Your comment is quite typical of a western post christian mindset,(which is trying to overcome the spiritual inbalance caused to it by the humanisation of god in western culture)It hopes to overcome god the ovebearing father, by simply reducing everything to some kind of of abstract immoral principle.It is typical especially of those who fancy themselves as buddhist without knowing the essentially religous charecter of buddhism.
Anyway a full response to your statement would require a few pages ,but lets deal with two concepts that you seem to misunderstand
a) what Allah is (represents)
b) what the demiurge is (represents)
a) what allah is :
Allah literally means "The nothing",(note the capitla T).So Allah represents both the immanent and transcendent,being and non being the personal and impersonal absoulte.So does that mean Allah is the absolute?Yes and no-the absolute has no meaning or possible relationship for that which is relative,outside of relativity.Their is only a relatively absolute for that which is not absolute.
Allah as a diety in the quran represents the activity of the absolute bringing back the relative into its fold.As for wether he exist, that only has meaning if you are still tied to anthromorphic concepts of god,despite thinking that you have transcended them simply by making
an imaginary leap?
God is,( iam that i am)..he is not something you can think of in his essentialness as only god is good and only god can know god absolutely.
Maya does not mean illusion as in non existent,it only means no independent existence of anything outside of the principle.That is what the sahahdah
means: no reality expect the sole reality.The shadah starts with a negation not affirmation as "whatever we call god cannot be god" in the words of eckhart.
You might say that that is the case of Allah too,but muslims are not allowed to mediate on the essence of allah only his attribues.
The second part of the shahada respresents the integration of the relative into the absolute.
The muhammedan reality (or the absorption of ones own personality wihtin it) is the key to realization of the first part.The principle can only be reached
by the anhialation of that within us which is not the principle.THe absolute can only manifest iself as not itslef absolutely otherwise there would be no manifestation.The creation of the world and the reintegration of the world requires a shrinking of god.(tsim Tsum)Allah is only unreal,if there is no reality in which to speak of reality and unreality.
Part 2:
The demiurge is not the principle reality if you accept non dualism of plotinus,shankara etc,.However that does not mean he isnt either or that he doesnt exist or what he is representative
of is not real.By saying he doesnt exist you might as well say evil doesnt exist .Yes evil doesnt exist as an independent reality,but it exist
within the creation.The creation does not exist outside of god,it exist within him,if it didnt there would be no such thing as non dualism or unity of being.YIN AND YANG ARE NOT PROJECTION outside of the tao ,they are contained within it.The Demiug is thus not understood by the platonist or the muslim (or even by the shintoist or native indian)for that matter as some kind of independent avengeful selfish god.(although he is seen to act that way on some occasion, even in the quran this demiurgal principle is reflected in the story of Khidr and Musa)
He is understood as the prototype of all things good and evil,but essentailly he is good,as he is the
absolute balance of possibilities.If there was no balance/justice in the demiurgal reality there would be no further projection from this prototype into subtypes,ie the ten thousand things.It would have destructed itself and not been able to formulate any other reality or even formed a reality in itself.
It's myth.
The myth is slways true(or else no true myth).(coomaraswarmy)..myth is far far more real and complicated than such a throaway statement like that assumes.
He is man's PERCEPTION of God.
Depends on the man.
The Demiurge is a horrible creator, with a jealous attitude toward any who dare question his authority etc etc..
That precisely is your perception or explaining away of Allah,not how he percieved at all by the vast majority of muslims.
The avengful aspect of god is acknowledged as a reality (wether muslims understand the basis for it or not ),but it is always understood within the context of his mercy(rahma)which
precedes it.The creator is always good,as evil cannot create anything as it is self destructive.
evil is relative and illusory but necesaary for without it there would be no creation,for otherwise everything would be god.there would also be no such thing as a human being with self will/independence.
The Demiurge is not "REAL" in the sense that he is not an actual being.
No muslim belives in god as a being in the sense of what we understood as a being ,otherwise he wouldnt be allah,according to Islam itself .As mentioned we dont meditate on god in his essence as it is impossible.He has no form in the sense that we understand form,however that does not mean he doesnt have being/form either.To say the absiolute doesnt have being absolutely is still dualism and doesnt solve anything.
Part 3
To "fight" don't need to give him any more substance...rid your perceptions.
This is what is meant.
To fight it on such a level as you percive is to fight an illusion, to deny your own limited nature as a human being and to imagine simply by a process of abstraction one becomes outside of the fold of human limitation.You dont simply transcend by thinking you are trasncending.Gnosis is not about thinking it is about being.The intellective aspect of Gnosis is absolute in respect of all the senses,not just a product of the rational intellect and thus to engage with it absolutely requires an adherence to the absolute in his terms absolutely (Love thy god ,with all thy heart).
maya is atma,atma is maya.
gnosis as you explain comes across as mere profane philosophy or some kind of excercise of the faculty of reason???This is never what the gnostics understood or explained gnosis as being.A modern man cant help projecting this idea of gnosis,even whilst beliving he has rejected or risen above it.
The only way to actually transcened these limitations is by perfecting your humanity and this starts with acknowleding its limitations.You cant imagine away reality,you have to face reality and thus the demiurge ,which is terribly real!
Religons are revealed with this very purpose in mind and provide the methodology/alchemy
through which those who have the potentail for gnosis can realise it .
Reminds me a of a quote from Sheikh Al alawi, about "those who are the furthest(most veiled) from god ,are those who overemphsise his unknowability".
The islamic concept of god is balnced between tasbih(comparability) and tanzih (incomparibility,transcendence).
two faced like JANUS
Youve got the idea..almost.!!I
f he was one faced, the other face would be other than he and thus god wouldnt be god the absolute would he?
Allah is absolutely good,as the creative principle cannot manifest evil.What emnates from Allah(or within him,in a manner of speaking has to have by necessity an element of evil in order to create something other than he.
If Allah is the Transcendental Infinite God as suggested by the Islamic Apologist, then Allah cannot be the author of the Quran.
1. As per the Quran, Allah creates a Human being who has the potential to be mislead by Iblis, and then punishes Adam and Eve for disobedience. An imperfect creation can only be created by an imperfect creator. But Allah is Perfect.
Assuming he deliberately created an imperfect being for testing, blame cannot be placed on Adam and Eve as they are an experiment. Judging one's imperfect creation and blaming them are not attributes of a Compassionate, Universal God.
2. Allah does not condemn slavery but allows it. Thus, he is guilty of creating inequality in society. Allah is not a Liberator of the suffering and abused classes.
3. "Kill them wherever you find them". This is a verse used in the context of killing Mohamed's Meccan Enemies in battle but can a Universal God exhort one creation to shed the blood of another, especially when during the initial stages of creation His Angels are averse to the shedding blood of Man?
Clearly, the Allah who is Creator is different from the Allah who is forcing Mohamed to wage war and shed blood. Thus, the Blogger is correct that the Allah worshipped by the Muslim Jihadis today is the Same Demiurge who ordered Moses and Joshua to commnit horrendous genocide.
The Entity actually exists.I would not philosophize away that He is a Perception. He is a bloodthirsty Vampire and hopefully will be vanquished by an Avatar of Vishnu or by Human who evolves above Prometheus or Perseus' levels.
The Entity has to be charged for War Crimes and must be judged by Humanity for all the sadness and tears forced on them for centuries through mindless wars.
He has hurt believers of all religions in equal measure.
The demiurge is an invented concept sometimes misattributing Allah and Yahweh for having evil intent. This is a common fallacy that because there is evil in the universe, it's his fault. I would call it reductionist, but not even that is sufficient to explain the full extent to which this is JUST PLAIN WRONG.
this is really good stuff...'good' being qualified by our ridiculous conditioning, yes? if anyone is in the san antonio area...i'd love to share a box of chardonnay with you on the riverwalk and wordwobble about the demi the undefineable presence of Ain Soph. email me...a semi-retired english professor and former rabbi:
liam at thousandplaces dot org
My original post curt and terse and on on point and an accurate reflection from "most" of the various nationalities at the mosque. Deal with it- or not.
Osi yo-
Nice blog you have here.
I agree with what you are saying, but please dont be fooled into believing the 'Demiurge' is NOT a real 'Being', because 'He' is; you would know him as 'Marduk/Ra/Siva' (Sumerian, Egyptian, Indian)
He is both actual persona and archtype, and can be viewed literally or symbolic. But 'He' is quite delusional, and does demand 'Servitude' and 'Loyalty'. He wants to be admired and does see himself as a 'God'; not the true 'God' but a 'God' anyway. These 'Gods' I am speaking about are 'Beings'; and live incredible long lifetimes, which is why different cultures/timelines talk of the same being(s)
Check this site, AskChumba.
Rev. B
Hey Retard. Gnostic Jews run the West. They think they are going to defeat God for mankind. Those who sign up with Jews will go to hell with Morpheus (Satan) LMAO.
No God Butt Allah for EVER.
And death to ISIS and Western backed Alqaeda who disobeyed God who ordered Muslims not to rebel against bad governments.
Amazing post. Thank you so much for sharing. I also believe the Demiurge is a metaphor, not real. Muslims follow the Demiurge, that is as clear as the day light.
Everything created for a purpose and reason. There a reasons for things the Human mind can't possibly comprehend. So when they talk about a God who judges others and demands worship it goes against the fabric and make up of all existence. Simple logic can reveal to Any honest seeker the truth about God. God is all of existence. Nothing can exist outside of God. So when an entity or diety comes along and claims to be the true God you can laugh your way around it and realize we are but mere molecules in a plethora of infinitude and nothing but all existence define the full magnitude of what God really is. Aliens are sitting around having a field day with our troubling reminiscence of the reality of GOD. we know nothing and are defined only by our purpose and our intentionl and are wandering around as simple participants in an ever ending act of unfolding evolution. Everything else is basically bullshit and as the original author is correct and puts it dealing only with perceptions of consciousness.
I have some questions here:
1. If there is a real demiurge doing all the evil things, then isn't it equally evil and criminal for the real God to sit and watch doing nothing?
2. Could this concept of the demiurge is made up by people who don't want to take responsibility for their wrong actions then blame the demiurge for all the wrong happened to them?
3. As one looks at the beauty and harmoney in the universe with all the wisdom and meaningful coincidences that is happening, if all this is created by the demiurge, with all his unlimited resources, then how could he be attributed to be evil and stupid, or ignorant?
As for the reader who claimed that there are injustices in the Quran about slavery, killing, etc. all this is a result of many misunderstanding:
1. Due to lack of knowing the background of the verses and the people mentioned in it.
2. Lack of recognizing the rule of doing the lesser of two evils.
3. Mixing difinitions of slavery in the west with the Islamic slavery where the slave is considered as an adopted family member.
4. Allah has two faces, one for the true humans and one for the egoic wicked ones who only understand the language of fear and threatening.
5. Lack of paying attention to the detailed wording in the Quran.
6. Understanding that even a Muslim can't harm anything but by the will of Allah, so whatever happens to anyone has to pass the filter of the Divine wisdom and justice of Allah.
7. Islam has no animosity to anyone who is a non-muslim, unless one does injustice to others, it happens to be the people who hate islam who do injustice to people then Muslims fight them, but the viewer thinks that Muslims are fighting nonmuslims jut because they are nonmuslims.
I would like someone to find holes in what Im saying for the sake of finding the truth.
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Rather than addressing reflecting aspects as 'good and evil', you might approach from the notion of 'adaptive/maladaptive'.
You need empty space between fingers for a hand to form. A hole in a heart, on the other hand, probably isn't such a great idea.
What is 'good' for the 'fox' is 'evil' for the 'hare'. What is 'evil' for the 'hare' is 'good' for the 'grass'.
No permanence of objects, only relationship dynamics.
This is why archetypes and lineages and legacies and myths and sigils and atoms and DNA last, while names and faces change. Relative, symbolic permanence...
Think about how often language mutates, and you basically have the fate of man, the heavens, and death.
Basically, we're an indefinite shapeshifting mess with arbitrary interactions. The more solid you try to be, the more you have to inevitably lose.
Humans are an overrated and self-aggrandizing construct. They are well-earned of things like Yaldabaoth, because such things motivate them to ask 'why', and keep thought flowing.
It's perhaps better to start from your problem that prompts you to seek, rather than from God, when constructing your reasoning. The phenomonology and total causality of the universe is not only beyond the human fathoming... it's kind of a fucking waste of time to page through every definition in the word salad cosmos, to cope with the fact that one day you're going to metamorphose into a husk of maggots, fox fodder, and fungal habitats.
My coping mechanism is to get really turned on by as many things as possible--to adore them, and to dream of being them. Because then dread turns to anticipation, and life eases along without so much stress. ;P
My sister and I recently reconnected after several years. She is a fundamental Christian. She said I was not a Christian because I did not belong to a Christian church, and that I was not "a follower." I sent her a link to the Apocryphon of John. I told her it was like taking the "red pill." She took offense to it and won't speak to me anymore. Gee, I wonder why. My flesh and blood would happily string me up and have me burned, along with my heretical books and beliefs. Things have not changed over the centuries.
"What else is evil death except ignorance? What else is evil darkness except familiarity with forgetfulness?" ~Silvanus~
To all Muslims claiming that Allah is not Satan.
The fact that Allah chose Muhammad as his messenger, actually, he chose a pedophile and a man that approved slaughtering hundreds of captive Jews (including pubescent boys) for plotting against him (sic!), this fact of immoral choice, is enough to take Islam as a way of Satan, a way of a spoiled child wanted to be venerated or simply just a cult, ideology of a man with mentality of desert robber. Satan is not satisfied with his being, is not self-sufficient, needs ongoing evidence on his glory and majesty.
Arguing that I do not know historic background of the times Muhammad lived is nonsense. I know them as well as you do. I read his CV written by Islamic scholars. I read Quran. I read Hadith. Open your minds. Or if you want, find me and kill me, that is what go well with you. This is not about KNOWING, this is about ATTITUDE.
You keep that sick man a moral standard and then when ISIS make crimes, you keep LYING that ISIS are not real, actual, genuine Muslims. Really?
And yes, ISIS did the same heinous deeds that Muhammad did. Will you tell me that I do not know historic background of ISIS? Sounds funny :-D :-D :-D
Really? Not real eh...funny how his reptilian depiction is represented in most all cultures and religions. When the serpent seed reveal themselves I do believe the world will be in for a shock.
Cock and balls. That is all.
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