God Is In the Rain
Some people look at the rain and call it "bad weather." And it might be, for them.
When I look at it, I see the continuation of life: watering the green fields of endless grass; allowing nourishment to flow around and within the roots of trees, bushes, plants, and flowers; and providing the neccesary life sustanance that all animals need: water.
Let us not forget that plants need water to grow, and plants in turn provide oxygen renewal to our lushly green environment.
Aside from the obvious nutritional supplement supplied by rain, we might tend to be distracted from the spiritual qualities of rain.
Think I'm crazy?
Remember standing in a rain shower when you were young? Remember playing in the rain? Sure, it was cold at first, but it provided a type of "warm" feeling inside, a sense of relief from the pressures of life. It always brought peace within me - I often took long walks in the rain and gathered my thoughts.
It's raining today, where I'm at. I forgot for a moment what I had missed from childhood, distracted by "mature" notions that rain makes you sick and that you should hurry up and get out of the rain when it starts. I stood there in it today, however, for whatever reason, and remembered. I remembered the warmth again. I remembered the relief of pressure. I felt the rain on my face, and allowed myself to be washed of error in its baptismal bliss. I felt at peace. Then I felt what it was.
God is in the rain.

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