I used to have a lot of opinions on different things. I'm realizing now, though, the more I travel deeper into my own thoughts, the more I see a flip side to each situation.
As I've learned, right and wrong have always been - and will always be- two different sides of the same coin.
When I keep this in mind, it generally helps me stay focused on my goals - not getting too upset, or too emotional, or too much of anything. For instance, when I first came to Gnosticism, I felt like I had discovered all the answers that I'd need. I could debate about church, God, liturgy, theology, evolution, name it. Within this branch of "philosophy," I discovered, or so I thought, all the right answers.
Problem is, though, that the more I learned about Gnosticism, the more I learned about gnosis. The more I learned about gnosis, the more I learned about myself. And, the more I learned about myself, the more I learned that I really didn't know. It's all a bunch of confusion piled on top of more confusion, but somewhere in between here and there, I realized that I did know something. What that is, I have a much harder time trying to describe.
I realized by delving deeper within that I can actually see things from the other side of the coin, and understand what it is I'm seeing. Not just "oh, I get what you're saying, but..." king of talk, but the actually truth of the point of view. There really are two sides to everything. You just have to know how to look at the coin.
It is with this kind of thought that I have tried to approach everything from religion, to politics (if there's even a difference), to social situations, to employee meetings, to what-have-you. I've been able to broaden my horizens, and take in the fuller depth of what is going on around me. It's more than just itself is semantics. To realize that two points of view (or three, or four, or a thousand) can both be right at the same time really is an eye-opener. Once getting to this point, I found out something truly extraordinary. It's not the semantics (life and all it's little grievances) that's only the truth. What would that be? Gnosis.
To touch the inner core of your deeper self is to realize that bond with the rest of reality - the breath of life that flows within all of us, the matter that is compacted together to form "things," the actual reality of it all - and this in turn allows you a deeper respect and profound relationship with this reality. This is gnosis - it's what sets you upright. Gnosis calms the dust; allows you to focus your "eye" on the world.
Keep your sights on the middle ground - don't get too worked up. Everything is as it should be - learn, live, play, drink, and eat. Realize that the north and the south are two in the same. Right and left hands are still on the same body. Up and down are just perspectives.
In the end, the semantics don't matter...gnosis is what counts.
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